Louise Leigh

Roxanne R reviewed February StandUp Comedy Cardigan which happened on Thu 23rd Feb 2023.
Review posted at 7:19am on Sat 25th Feb 2023.

Louise Leigh


Paul B reviewed February StandUp Comedy Cardigan which happened on Thu 23rd Feb 2023.
Review posted at 3:15pm on Fri 24th Feb 2023.

Louise Leigh

Would you recommend to a friend?

Alexandra E reviewed Binge the Fringe - Louise Leigh: 'Amused' & Ted Hill: 'All the Presidents Man' which happened on Sun 10th Jul 2022.
Review posted at 7:11pm on Mon 11th Jul 2022.

Louise Leigh

Would you recommend to a friend?

Joe C reviewed Binge the Fringe - Louise Leigh: 'Amused' & Ted Hill: 'All the Presidents Man' which happened on Sun 10th Jul 2022.
Review posted at 3:04pm on Mon 11th Jul 2022.

Louise Leigh
Really funny

Would you recommend to a friend?

John B reviewed Stand and Deliver Comedy at The Jolly Anglers with John Robertson which happened on Wed 13th Oct 2021.
Review posted at 10:41pm on Fri 15th Oct 2021.

Louise Leigh

Would you recommend to a friend?

Patsy M reviewed Stand and Deliver Comedy at The Jolly Anglers with John Robertson which happened on Wed 13th Oct 2021.
Review posted at 3:04pm on Thu 14th Oct 2021.

Louise Leigh

Would you recommend to a friend?