Personalised Animated Celebrity Video Messages

Drew Cameron presents:

Personalised Animated Celebrity Video Messages


Celebrity Messages are funny animated personalized celebrity videos, delivering your important messages and greetings to someone's mobile phone. 

Personalized Celebrity Video Messages are brilliant because you write the script!!

Ideal for - Promotions, Events, Reminders, Campaigns,  Announcements, Greetings, Messages, News updates etc;

if you want to send a greeting or message to any number of people, but also want it to be either funny, original, lighthearted, memorable, creative, or informative….Then celebrity messages are for you!! 

A mobile phone company in the Far East with over 500 millionsubscribers have been so impressed, that they commissioned as many of Drew’s messages as possible.

Are you a business looking to create an original and attention grabbing message for your clients? 

Have you got an event or product that you need to advertise that will be original and lighthearted?

Maybe you are an events  manager, promotor or  agent  supplying services to the public and would want to offer  this extra feature for your clients as an original way for them to send out  important messages.

Or maybe just a simple Happy Birthday.

Celebrity Messages is ideal.


They are all the work of  artist and impressionist, Drew Cameron.





Funny animated personalised celebrity videos delivering your important messages and greetings.

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