Online/Downloadable Comedy Course "Stepping Into Stand-Up Comedy"

Alfie Noakes and We Are Funny Project presents:

Online/Downloadable Comedy Course "Stepping Into Stand-Up Comedy"


Open-mic comedy is where every stand-up begins their journey. This 22 part course has been custom designed to help those taking the stage for the first time, or are within their first year (or around 100 gigs) to get better, funnier, stronger, faster.

20 sessions have practical exercises at the end so that understanding and sets can be built as you go, with a course that can be done at any pace or place. 

Your tutor is MC Alfie Noakes who has watched over 6000 open mic acts, more than 500 people perform for the first time, in his more than decade long career promoting comedy shows, primarily open-mic. Alfie is an MC, teacher and promoter and has a slightly "outsider" perspective when compared to courses taught by actual comedians. Alfie has had the privilege of working with, and often closely observing the rise, of some of the finest acts to emerge in the UK during the last 12 years.

This course will not only offer several quality joke-writing exercises, but advises on stage craft, managing nerves and how to get the most from the open mic scene. Enjoy learning as you thrill at getting laughs.



Online Downloadable Course Especially Designed For Comedians Within Their First Year (100 Gigs)

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