Alfie Noakes and We Are Funny Project




We Are Funny Project has been promoting comedy shows for over 7 years, with the Head Honcho Alfie Noakes, being at it for over a decade.
All-in-all, more than 1500 shows produced for over 6000 open mic acts, pro acts, and closing in on 30,000 performances.

The Project also produces a broad range of live comedy workshops ranging from "Mimicry & Satire" to "Writing Comedy for Radio", "Sit-Com Writing" to "Clowning" and a whole load more. Alfie Noakes teaches the "MCing for Open Mic" workshop.

Due to some of the virus related technicalities of 2020/2021 we have moved some of our operations online with the new YouTube channel

We are producing downloadable pre-recorded courses that students can follow any time, any place and at any pace.

The first available course is designed for those who want to try stand-up, or are within their first 100 gigs, "Stepping Into Stand-Up with Alfie Noakes".

In addition to several joke-writing exercises, the 22 sessions feature lots of solid and practical advice about how to enter and make the very most from the entry-level open mic scene, which is where every new comedian makes their start. There are challenges after each session, downloadable re-caps of key points and a unique flowing "3P" system which takes you through "Preparation, Performance and Polishing (your set)".

The "How To Be A Brilliant Stand-Up Comedy MC" will be arriving in March 2021 as the next downloadable course.

Alfie Noakes is available for 1-2-1 comedy coaching via Zoom. Typically 2 initial sessions of 75 minutes is ideal, allowing Alfie a further 15 mins prior to each session to review a set you want to work on. Bottom line, 2 x 90 min personalised sessions for £100. Further sessions can be added later if desired, but 2 classes should keep you going for a while...

